PUP Managing (pick-up points)

Each courier has its proper pick-up point management. The data to send at the POST call for the shipment in order to make the courier process the pick-up information are listed in this page.


Enter the Pick-up point ID code in the generic_service_point field.


This courier requires the complete data of the pick-up point in addition to its ID code. The field ups_uap_id and an object array called uap containing the data returned by the call at the UPS web service

must be compiled in the call


Enter the Pick-up point ID code in the generic_service_point field


This courier requires the complete data of the pick-up point in addition to its ID code. The field ups_uap_id and an object array called uap containing the data returned by the call at the UPS web service

must be compiled in the call

POSTE Delivery Business

POsteDB considers the Pick-up point as an additional service and categorizes according to the pick-up point type. For the pick-up points an object in the pdb_accessori array must be compiled, with the elements accessorio, param1 and param2. Param1 contains the pick-up point code, param2 the name of the point and accessorio will be one of these strings depending to the type of pick-up point.


This courier differentiates between pick-up points and lockers. A numerically indexed array named tnt_options must be entered in the call; the element with index 0 contains 3 in case of delivery to TNT point and 5 in case of delivery to lockers. The element with index 1 contains the TNT Point/Locker ID code.

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